"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

The SugarHoneyIcedTea* ~ Tales from the Twit...

I think I once told someone via blog comment that we are all one small pixel of a much bigger picture. Each pixel equally important, yet different. Every pixel has a purpose. Every pixel has a voice.

This was proven more than true for me today when I noticed a surprise @reply via Twitter while @ work today.

carolinaware @shamara99 Voted. Lets go!! @titi_215

Apparently my Chica Twica, Denaya (who is a frequent visitor here, thank YOU), suggested this: dkb2715 @shamara99 Ur looking for blogs to profile, This is one of my fav's, http://www.chickintheclique... @titi_215

...which I didn't see until a few moments ago.

Twitter has opened doors and created possibilities for me that otherwise probably wouldn't have existed PT (PreTwit). It has opened my eyes and ears to opportunities I may have otherwise never knew about. It has helped me network and meet interesting, creative, funky, likeminded, crazysexycool people...now Shamara is one of them.

Shamara is a radio personality on Power 99, a big hip hop radio station here in Philly. Somehow a chick w/ only 674 followers on Twitter, who has a corporate gig during the day, writes when she feels like it about whatever she feels like writing about caught the attention of someone w/ a bigger voice, a bigger following and a dream job in communications. That chick was me today. And #thats dope. The chick in the clique.

Speaking of dope...check out @carolinaware's blog HERE (I've posted this before). And FOLLOW HIM on Twitter. We dig a lot of the same ish but he has wayyyyyy more sports on his than I do. Must be a man thing *smile* And please *COMMENT* on anything you read on his, mine, anyone's blogs. Even if you don't agree. Even if you have a difference of opinion. That is motivation and feedback to the writer how you're interpreting their blog and what you're walking away w/. You do not have to register for anything or sign-up - you can even do so anonymously.

I have heard and said, "A closed mouth does not get fed" probably a million and one times. We speak to be heard. We write to be read. We act to be noticed. So I'd like all my readers and followers to speak about, write about, act and be noticed:

Save Free Radio! Do you love your radio stations – the music, news and traffic? Do you love getting your music for FREE? It’s all in danger! Everything you love about your radio station could be a thing of the past! Unless you act NOW! There are bills before congress that threaten free music on the radio. The foreign owned record companies and misinformed artists want congress to establish a tax where stations would pay for the right to play music on the radio. This additional tax would change radio and put music radio stations in danger of going silent.

Your radio station needs your help! By signing this petition and sending an e-mail to congress you are telling congress NOT to pass this tax on radio stations. Click to sign the petition and save free radio! You also can make calls to your congressional leaders and email your friends.

I clicked, I signed, I wrote. All of the above. I know a lot of people say I don't listen to the radio much anymore, what does this have to do with me, why should I care?! And that's because we have a choice. We take for granted that it will always be there in our car or on our alarm clocks. Before the internet, iPod, on-demand, 2k9 (hello? BT!) and 100+ channels on TV, what did we use and rely on for news, entertainment, information, sports and MUSIC?! The radio. This is vital for a big portion of the community who does not have and cannot afford satellite radio. This will force us once again to give in to corporate greed and thus elminate our choice. I don't know about y'all, but to me CHOICE is equivalent to: The power, right, or liberty to choose; option. And that's American. Radio is someone's life and livelihood.

Oppose the Public Performance Tax on Free Radio

"Such a tax would force many free radio stations off the air, result in less diversity in programming for listeners, and harm local communities that partner with radio to promote local interests and rely on radio in times of need. We urge Congress to reject S. 379 and H.R. 848 respectively."

I learned of this issue visiting Shamara's Page. I went there intending to check out my competition and see how I was doing in the "poll". As of now (10:53 pm) I am losing - 35.71% to Heavy Rotation's 64.29%. And it's all good. I am humbled. I am grateful. I appreciate the exposure. THANK YOU, Shamara. 'Same "smile" u do...I do just different bodies :) ALL GOOD'

You never know who is reading, listening, looking, watching - you never know who is intrigued, impressed, mentioning or just stopping through. Your pixel might come into focus one day and be a part of that big picture. #thatsdope @Writtenhouse

*The SugarHoneyIcedTea stands for...you figure it out. Yeah, that's us...


Carolinaware said...

Sugar Honey Ice Tea. Have not heard that since my Grandma! I love it.

Good stuff on the radio piece. I did not know that either. At least that it become that bad.

This tool is such a wonderful one! @ the Internet and Twitter in particular. You are correct. You never really know who is paying attention. That is why if you are a star, you just gotta keep your light lit. Ya dig?

Good work gal!!

Carolinaware said...

And THANK YOU FOR THE SHOUT OUT. I appreciate it more than you know.

"C-Dot" said...

Yeah...this radio situation is OOC. The government needs to be ashamed of themselves! They want to close pools, libraries, radio stations - all b/c of the almighty $. That's such BS.

You're welcome...not a problem, luv...and it's ALL luv ;)

Mikey McFly™ said...

Another dope/ill/fantastic post

Denaya Smith said...

Aww Thank You "Twica" for the shouts! *BLUSHES* .When i find something i like i share it :) Luv to read your take on things. Keep up the good work. BLOG FIYAH!!!!

Shamara99 said...

WOW! I must say I really appreciate this friend. I will have to concur with "I think I once told someone via blog comment that we are all one small pixel of a much bigger picture. Each pixel equally important, yet different. Every pixel has a purpose. Every pixel has a voice." I think life is much like that and I thank u for welcoming me into ur world!!! I'm a fan!!!

(hope I ain't leave this twice - I'm soooo new to this)

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