"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

RaNdOm ramblings...

~ I just finished a Scrabble game w/ my sis and two brother-in-laws. I lost, last place. Amatuers. None of them are college educated...goes to show you that: "Going to a college doesn't make you smart any more than going to a bank makes you rich." (c) Anonymous

~ My 13 year old niece is now obsessed w/ Michael Jackson (MJ). Her desktop background is of MJ, the wallpaper on her blackberry is MJ, my sis said she had been watching MJ videos on-demand, non-stop, back-to-back...I mean, it's deeper than MJ. The first thing she said when she saw me today was, "What was Michael Jackson like when you were 'little'?" I told her about my Thriller coat, watching MTV non-stop for the Thriller video and the Thriller cassette tape I begged my mom for. I asked her why she was feeling like this? What was the connection? She says: "Well what was it about MJ that you loved, TiTi?" Good point. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for. They have insight and forethought. I was not prepared for that coming from her. Next thing I know, I hear "PYT" blasting from the living room and she along w/ her 7 year old sister are singing along and dancing around...just wow. MJ crossed from my mom's generation through the Jackson 5 every Saturday AM while cleaning our rooms and doing chores, to Thriller tapes and zipper jackets, to my now 13 year old niece watching MJ videos on-demand. The more things change, the more they stay the same. MJ is a legend. His legacy doesn't end w/ us. Now that's dope.

~ I'm seriously considering getting my hair chopped tomorrow, AGAIN. I have an appt. @ my little sis' salon before we leave for vacation. Only 3 ppl in this world I trust to cut my hair...she is one of them. It has been in the phunky phase for what seems like forever now - not long enough for a true ponytail and not short enough to say it's 'short'. So I'm gonna change all that. Something that is easy to maintain, something that fits me, something different. I never got so many compliments on my hairstyle like I did when I first cut it short a year or so ago. I have had long hair my entire life, no bangs, one length, just LONG hair. It's not growing fast enough for me and I'm feeling like I need and want a big change. I will keep y'all updated on this one...

~ My baby bro (he's 10 years younger than me) is having his 1st child. I have mixed feelings about the situation, I'm excited, I'm anxious...his girl (I call her "Foxanne") text me yesterday and said they find out the sex of the baby on July 10th. I am soooooo hype. My bro told me on mother's day he loves the name "Oliva" for a girl...he said he remembers it from all of us watching "The Color Purple" and he loves the way is sounds. Of course we're all in agreement, except for Foxanne. There will be more on this situation, I'm sure, as the pregnancy progresses.

~ I'm watching "Intervention" on A&E in HD on-demand on my sis' huge, big-screen plasma TV. I don't even want to think about what something like this co$t - I dont' even have true furniture in my apt! - but hey, if you got it, do you. This episode is about twin girls w/ anorexia. I know this is a real issue and a real problem for some people, I'm not trying to make light of the disease...but how the HELL do you starve yourself when there is food in front of you and available to you? How the HELL do you exercise and play Wii fit dancing games burning calories you're not taking in? How the HELL do you see your ribs and say out loud, "I am fat."?! There are areas of the world and right here in our own backyards where people are starving every day and not by fucking choice! This is madness.

~ The Philly hip hop scene is so dope, so deep, overlooked and underrated. Networking & giggin' has opened my eyes and ears to a lot of people, sounds and scenarios...my senses are stunned. Writtenhouse - I co-sign.

~ New BlastForMe TV intro blog coming soon...I will be posting photos from the studio interview w/ Writtenhouse. *Follow* my homies on Twitter behind this project: @BlastOffBe (the host) and @aamin1, the genius behind A2 (A Squared) Productions. In the meantime, you can check out @zeekbutla interview...and *follow him* on Twitter as well.

~ I'm out of town right now, on my niece's laptop I gifted her for her birthday last year. It's a pink Dell, nothing fancy or crazy expensive, but this mofo is broken already - kids don't have jobs yet don't take care of shit! Ungrateful and disrespecting the dolla...mine gets stolen out of my suite in Jamaica...I work and I can't afford to replace my Mac yet...and she asks for an iPod Nano for her birthday this year. Yeah, exactly. I'm thinking the same thing. This little heffa is sassy...she might get it this weekend. Real talk. We'll see what she'll be receiving @ her birthday cookout/pool party next weekend. It won't be an iPod Nano, that's for GD certain. FOH

~ Aiight, I've been real seriously sarcastic & super sassy myself this week, PMS'in and stressin' about shit I have no control over...I needed this weekend away from the City, some family time, reflection...hope I'm over this hump when I get back to Philly on Sunday. So much to do, so little time.


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