"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

Michael Jackson: August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

A legend and an icon passed on today.

An idol from my generation as well as my parents' generation! How many artists do you know were around when your parents were growing up (Jackson 5) and still relevent when you got into their music (for me, "Thriller" era)? Not many.

I was on the 10 on my way home from work this evening, quietly minding someone else's business and looking for nonsense to TwitPic when I happened to look down at my phone and check the Twitter timeline. I kept seeing "RIP MJ" posts and I actually said it out loud: Michael Jackson is dead?!

I immediately started calling 'reliable sources', of course no one is answering, and the one person who DID answer had JUST woke up (FAIL!) so I was at a loss. Then people around me started taking out their phones - calling, texting and googling. All I wanted was a web connection to view CNN or MSNBC - anything other than TMZ.com, which is hardly reliable and honest journalism over there in their gossip gang - and my stalkin' ass sister was trying to call me, I'm pushing her to voice mail, every time my phone rang it killed my web connection - I was sooooooo frustrated.

As soon as I walked in the door I turned the TV to MSNBC and sat at my desk. And here we are.

I'll edit & add to this post later...going to search my mom's photos to find one of me in my red zipper Thriller jacket I MADE her buy for me, LOL. I'll add some of my fave Mike songs and moments...but in the meantime, it's time to reflect and just be at peace.


Carolinaware said...

We are all feeling that loss. First REAL ICON that most of us have lost that was with us from the time we were born 'till their death and WE WERE IN TUNE WITH THEM EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.

miss amanda pearl ♥ said...

I feel the same way - there are very few artists who are icons to multiple generations; and he even has a tie to elvis [married his daughter!] which i find even more bizarre. here's to the king of pop, may he be moonwalking in the sky...

"C-Dot" said...

My 13 yo niece is now OBSESSED w/ MJ...I jst discovered this today. Random blog...NOW.