"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

Comedy Show Saturday, 5.30.09 @ Damani's

I dig Damani's. I co-sign. If you missed that blog, you're not paying attention...

So PAY ATTENTION NOW: Malcolm Hill is hosting a comedy show at Damani's 5.30.09 If you don't know who he is, check out his page. His actions speak louder than words....he's put in some work.

I've seen Turae perform in WV at a show while I was in college. We connected and talked because I knew he was from Philly. A very cool and very funny dude. I wish I could find that pic we took together that night - he hasn't changed a bit but I'd DIE if y'all saw the shirt I was wearing that night, lmfwao.

The other comedians I am not too familiar w/, but I'm there...besides, what else is going on Saturday, May 30th 2009? Absolutely nada. BE THERE.

Laughter really is the best medicine...

Feel free to hit me up or @aamin1 on Twitter w/ any questions or details needed. Damani contact info is located on their page

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