"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

**Philly/Tri-State PoEtS, Musicians, Spoken Word Artists NEEDED / WANTED

WHO: Damani ~ “Partying For A Purpose”

WHAT: "The Poet Tree" ~ A Night of Spoken Word & Music

WHERE: Damani 66th & Media/West Philly

WHEN: Friday, June 5, 2009 Doors open @ 8 pm, Show starts @ 9,

HOW: "Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!” Bob Marley

WHY: To vent, show-off, inspire, be inspired, make fans, meet people, exposure...YOU tell US.

**Any poet/artist/musician who performs has free admission into the event. Any poet /artist/musician who performs will receive a free video and audio copy of their performance. There is a 15 min. max limit on performances...so show us your best and then come back and do the rest :)

** The woman on the flier is a hot new R&B artist, Rachel Raquel. She will be there and performing as well. Music by Philly's own...Just Words. Hosted by Gritty & Cool Tone w/ Brown B (Temple Radio host).

**We're trying to make this a monthly or bi-monthly event. We need to generate interest and buzz to get it going. I am a virgin to the mic and might actually make this my FIRST TIME getting up there. No auditions needed or required. All genres, ideas, thoughts, poetry, spoken word is welcome and encouraged. Contact me via email and we can go over any further questions or details then.

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