"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

#random: "Zombies" in Grand Central Station 10.24.09

Ashley and I left lunch in Times Square and we headed to Grand Central Station to catch our train back to Philadelphia. As we entered the station, I noticed all these camera and flashing lights. Here comes this big procession of zombies, some of the costumes were VERY creative. I filmed a lot of it, they smelled really bad too...like the fake blood & makeup/latex smell. It was strange. Sooooo random and funny as hell! 

I posted it on YouTube and some dude commented on the page:  "lol my brother and his friends were here :D i wish i was :["  I got a lot of hits already, wild!  Just thought I'd share w/ everyone.  This could ONLY happen to me, ONLY in New York.  Listen to my commentary, HILL-LARRY-US. 

Ash also has a vid she filmed and posted on her blog, check it out HERE.  Good times in NYC. 

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