"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

Stweets is watchin'...(oh and it's Thanksgiving)...some DMV Dopeness too

So I'm in my sister's den.  Been lurking on & off Twitter since I got here a few hours ago.  Spent some time w/ my nieces (7 & 13) and a neighbor kid (13) on the Wii...I suck @ shooting games.  I have been to a shooting range on many occasions and can properly shoot a firearm unassisted.  Weird.

So I've been aware that Lupe was droppin' a mixtape @ midnight.  Twitter is like the instantaneous 'grapevine'.  The real time, real public, real real chatroom, 24/7, 365.  Lupe doesn't tweet much, so when he does I pay attention.  Got an hour #latepass though since I was all caught up in family fukkery, shout-out @f_deville, he sent me the link.  (He's also a dope emcee, check him out HERE & follow him on Twitter.  He's from DMV.)

Here is Lupe's just released mixtape:  "Enemy Of The State: A Love Story"


He also released THIS, it's the "Angels Remix feat. Lupe Fiasco".  SO dope.  The beat is crazy.  He remixed Diddy's song and sent to him on Twitter.  I love modern technology, LOL.

Through Twitter I also discovered Black Star was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  Mos & Talib jammed w/ The Roots (you all DO know The Roots is the house band for Jimmy Fallon, right?!  If not, get from under the rock you've been living and #getfamiliar !)  backed by Dirty Projectors (sidebar:  never heard of 'em but I'm on it...coming soon).  @jose3030** followed right up and tweeted THIS LAINK, you can check the performance there.


Jimmy also had Jamie Kennedy on (The Roots played The Fresh Prince's theme song as his walk-on music, #215 stand up!)...and Padma Lashki was glowing & gorgeous, 7 months pregnant.  I don't get to catch his show much b/c it's on so late, but @jose3030** always has the highlights and I catch clips online.

**If you don't follow him already on Twitter, do so.  Cool dude from the DMV.  He also has a dope site you can check out HERE.  This dude gets it in.

Download the links.

Check out the sites, the DMV dopeness. 

I am putting you ON.

I'm anxious to see my family tomorrow (later on this afternoon, it's nearly 3 am)...Thanksgiving is always a good time.  Mi Madre turns 50 on Friday.  My bro's 1st baby is due this weekend.  There's a lot going on for me right now. 

But tonight I am THANKFUL for hip hop...I needed this.... d(-_*)b

UPDATE: the official split-files version & track list for Lupe's "Enemy Of The State: A Love Story"

01 Intro
02 The National Anthem (Radiohead)
03 All The Way Turnt Up (Travis Porter)
04 Fireman (Lil Wayne)
05 L.A.S.E.R.S. Manifesto Interlude
06 Angels (Remix) (Dirty Money)
07 So Ghetto (Jay-Z)
08 Say Something (Timbaland)
09 Thank You (Jay-Z)
10 The One (Slaughterhouse)
11 Popular Demand (Clipse)
12 HP Skit

1 comment:

Chucknphilly said...

Yo shout out to you for posting the link on your blog. I really need to post more just know I read it on the regular. Even though I'm a dorkified (love that word btw) corp drone appreciate dopeness and those bringing it to the masses.