"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect - and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

Jesse Boykins III ~ "Tabloids"


I peeped this over on Briana Latrise's blog ~ I commented on her blog - AS ALL BLOG READERS SHOULD - told her I was stealing sharing w/ y'all. Hot guy, hot song...I'll be on the look-out for more from his sexy self...

Never heard the song or even heard of him before the blog blurb...but here is what I found out:

Jesse is a sexy R&B dude from Brooklyn via Chicago, Jamaica and Miami. His 1st album "Dopamine: My Life On My Back EP" was released in February '08 followed by "The Beauty Created LP" in November of the same year. He's on Twitter and the link above is his MS page.

His band is The Beauty Created:
  • Marion"Ojay" Ross III- Trumpet & Aux
  • Anthony Coleman II- Trumpet & Keys
  • Earl "Burniss" Travis- Bass
  • Jamire Williams- Drums
  • Jeremy Most- Guitar & Bass
  • Devory Pugh- Keys
  • Steve Wyreman- Guitar
  • Van Graham- Background
  • Keisha Johnson- Background
The video is dope and the subway scene reminds me of home...this song is from his 1st album. He is currently touring w/ his band...gonna have to check if they'll be stopping in or nearby Philly? I am currently coppin' up on iTunes. Dude is dope.

I co-sign.

1 comment:

Denaya Smith said...

Blog Still Hot!!!! Keep it up, you make me read! LOL